Donate to Nebraska GreenStep to help other Nebraskan’s!
By donating to Nebraska GreenStep you’re helping to pay it forward to Nebraska Constituents in need.
Thank you for being part of this important cause!
HyVee Red Bag Pay It Forward Challenge:
Already have your Hy-Vee Red Bags or want to share in the fabulousness of HyVee’s Red Bag’s,
By donating to the HyVee Red Bag Pay it forward will buy additional Red Bags to give to people in need.
Earth Day Guilt Donation:
Hey, you’re a busy person and unfortunately this year you can’t make an event…that’s okay, you can help donate for pickup materials. NeGS team appreciates you!!
REcycling Pay it Forward to person in need Challenge:
Unfortunately, many Nebraskans cannot afford to recycle, nor have the means to get to recycling centers. Help pay for a person’s recycling for a month or year; average recycling is $20.00 month if no trash pickup. All proceeds go recycling services for people in need.
LED Pay it Forward for people in need Challenge:
Please consider donating to the LED Pay it forward challenge where your donation goes to providing LED lights to people in need. For every $10.00 donated here, Nebraska GreenStep will donate 5 LED 60 watt equivalent A19 bulbs to the Community Action Partnership in Lincoln Nebraska.
Why help others besides it feeling good? By paying it forward it assists with reducing their electricity bill, having them save money by not purchasing light bulbs, helping to reduce Nebraska emissions, and don’t forget TAX deductible!! Win Win Win for ALL!