Sustainability Purchasing Products/Services Steps:

Established Environmental Meeting and Event

City to maintain a quarterly meeting discussing where the City is at in comparison to goals with outlined steps to achieving goals.

Established yearly Benchmark, Goal, Steps for completion Playbook

City to outline it’s current structure of how, where, and amount used with purchasing of products and services for the city.

Playbook Steps

  1. Sustainability Purchasing Policy where City purchases EnergyStar and EPEAT certified equipment and appliances

  2. Purchasing of U.S. EPA WaterSense-certified products

  3. Paper containing post-consumer recycled content.

  4. Printing Services be purchased from Green Printing Supplier

  5. Construction Material be reviewed to reduce impact of Concrete, asphalt, roadbed aggregate, etc.

  6. Locate local purchasing opportunities, same like purchases, and efficiency in ordering of Products/Services